
Welcome to my blog. Here you'll find fabulous recipes, entertaining tips, beautiful photography along with all my fab finds ranging from beauty, style, food and home! Hope you enjoy!



First things first...KIM'S FAB FINDS GOT A FACE LIFT!!! What do you guys think!?! I felt it was time, and I'm SOOOO happy!! It gives me all the feels... There will definitely still be a few more changes here and there, but I.AM.OBSESSED!! Anyways, back to your regularly programmed blog...

Happy wedding day to my dear friend Holly and her awesome man Sean!! We're here in beautiful Malibu celebrating the big day and we couldn't have asked for better weather to ring in the nuptials! 

Holly and I go back to our Cal Poly days and I'm so proud of her and the woman she's become today. She is such a strong, beautiful and kind-hearted woman and I'm SO lucky have her by my side as one of my close friends!

Cal Poly Graduation 2007

Cheers to a beautiful wedding and a fabulous celebration of love!

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Rice!

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Rice!

365 Days of Fabulousness!

365 Days of Fabulousness!

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